The Election Song Contest

Year: 2010


  • Yaniv Fridel(mix/production)
  • Maiya James(vocals)
  • Paul Tkachenko(vocals/keyboard)
  • Richard Reynolds(press)
  • Darbukka(venue)
  • Ariadne Arendt(artwork)
As featured in:

It was a spirited, collaborative outpouring borne out of anger and frustration surrounding the 2010 UK Elections. The country was going to hell in a handcart, and the best we could do was Nick Clegg, who turned out, unsurprisingly, to get on rather well with David Cameron, despite pretending not to. It was clear that the election was no contest at all.

So two weeks before the election, I wrote some songs with some friends, posted them on Youtube under the banner ESC2010, and invited others to do the same. Inside two weeks, we had dozens of entries, national press coverage and an spontaneous artistic response to the inciteful insightful coverage of the UK elections.

You can even see the legacy website which Wordpress are kind enough to keep hosting for posterity.


All the media's attention may be on tonight's party-leader debate -- but that's so, yawn, predictably mainstream. It's much more fun to choose where to cast your vote by following a much more nailbiting contest -- being fought out between satirical songs targeted at all the main political parties. Tonight, a loose network of UK record producers, musicians and lyricists are launching the : -- their mission being "to inject some musical style into the 2010 UK elections". Led by a "fast-expanding team of songwriters/video directors/unemployed geniuses" based at Hot Salt Beef Studios, above a salt-beef bar in Soho, Central London, they are collecting together the sharpest and funniest satirical songs around. "It is a coming together of like-minded creatives who want to have some fun with this election," explains organiser Jonathan Walton, who is inviting creatives "to take part in any way you can".



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