All print, radio and television work
As the music industry goes into freefall, which new models are worth pursuing?
On the re-release of Herbie Hancock's epic forgotten gem
A major report from Freemuse-SIDA on political repression of musicians in Belarus
Exploring the sonic mashup of the ill-named City of Peace
The legendary pianist with one Western hand and one Eastern hand
Interview with pioneering Palestinian Israeli actor and singer
A Call For A New World Music
At the world's biggest trumpet festival, Guca, in Serbia
Speech for award presentation to Pussy Riot associate, Sasha Cheparukhin
Profile of the underwater sound art festival
Cultural diplomacy for musicians - why we need to be careful
Or why music criticism is pointless
A podcast to accompany a feature on Balkan Brass bands
Feature documentaries on Ukraine, politics and culture
BBC Radio 2 series on the musical legacy of the British Empire
On the movement to bring Palestine to the world's kitschest party
Ideology and video games in the Middle East
Feature documentary on the politics of settler archaeology in Jerusalem